Hong Kong 選擇美國留學人數增多

在 Hong Kong 歷史上,最大規模的抗議運動後,已漸寂靜的是香港街頭,越加沈重的卻是市井小民的心。不再灑熱血於街頭吶喊,並不代表沉默接受腐爛; 可敬的香港人們,用另類無聲的行動,告訴政客們 "enough is engouh."  (受夠了!)     在政治與教改的黑潮中,人們摸索不到未來前景的光明希望, 於是,"出走 Hong Kong" 成了在無可選擇的絕境中,香港年輕人唯一的退路。
以下,是我最近於 LinkedIn.com 所發表,關於香港人留學趨勢的文章。(在閱讀完香港蘋果日報 1/25/2015 的某篇報導,讓我有感而發此論述。 因為,這篇文章讀者多是美國教育界做決策的高階主管,所以以英文刊出。)
Even though, the street is quieting down after the largest pro-democracy protest, the darkness of deep disappointment has arisen in Hong Kong people's hearts. Studying abroad used to be for rich people's kids who could not do well in school. However, now more and more middle-class parents are seeking ways to send their children out of Hong Kong.
Studying abroad seems to be the best course of action to take for the young generation to escape from the political and educational turmoil, according to Apple Daily, Hong Kong. (1/25/2015)
In 2013-14, about 12,000 people from Hong Kong chose to study abroad. The number is 25% more than that of 1998, a year after the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong from UK to China. In 2013-14, 46% of Hong Kong people who chose to study abroad went to UK while 27.6% headed to the US, 18.3% to Austrailia and only 8% to Canada.
What makes Hong Kong government worried is many of its people studying abroad are top students who are disappointed in the reforms at home. This trend could have an enormous impact on Hong Kong's future supply of quality manpower.
Can US schools penetrate deeper in the study-abroad market in Hong Kong, where UK dominates the market? My believe is a big "YES, " because UK is still learning to copy America's melting pot culture while US has established a long history of doing such. US could do a lot better than UK in embracing the diversity of international cultures. People from Hong Kong should feel a lot more comfortable and feel more like home in the US than they could be in UK.
In addition, Hong Kong is one of the top 25 places of origin of international students in the US. There was an increase in the number of students from Hong Kong to the US in 2013-14, indicated in the latest report of the OPEN DOORs.
Thanks to Hong Kong's political instability, the demand for US education has started its momentum.
