兩天前,我於 LinkedIn.com發表一篇 post. 這是針對 The Economist(經濟學者雜誌)所刊出的報導: Georgia on Their Minds,而回應的文章。
此篇報導主要陳述中國留美學生的選校變化趨勢。報導文中提及,中國學生選校喜好已由僅是專注學術研究的常春藤名校如哈佛大學,轉變成兼重以實務為主的名校喬治亞理工學院。這種轉變,致使申請 Georgia Institute of Technology (喬治亞理工學院)的中國學生,由2007年的 33人,急速竄升至2014 年的 2,309人。
據中國教育部統計,於 2013年底約有 110萬中國留學生於世界各地。此人數與10年前相較,足足 3倍有餘。中國留學生主要遍佈英語系國家,另外歐洲如法國、德國、義大利、瑞典、芬蘭以及亞洲的日本與南韓,亦不乏中國留學生身影。
以下為我於 LinkedIn.com 的 post (2015年 2月 26刊出)
A recent article in The Economist entitled "Study Abroad: Georgia on Their Minds," discusses the changing influences determining where Chinese students choose to study. It illustrates how Chinese used to dream of getting into Harvard, and how their focus has shifted more towards technology-based institutions such as Georgia Institute of Technology; a prestigious university in Atlanta that has traditionally enjoyed less brand name recognition than Harvard.
According to this article, the number of Chinese applicants to Georgia Tech had surged from 33 in 2007 to 2,309 in 2014. Some of these Chinese applicants are graduates from China's top universities. This surge is particularly interesting given the fact that Chinese are traditionally more obsessed with a schools’ brand name. The trend now, however, appears to be shifting focus towards the goal of obtaining a practical quality education.
The article goes on to state "The ambitions of Chinese students are shifting: no longer are they attracted just by the glittering names. Pursuit of education abroad is becoming an end in itself. Universities far less renowned than Georgia Tech are reaping the benefits. More than 800,000 Chinese went abroad to study at all levels in 2012 and 2013. In those two years they made up more than a quarter of the 3m who had done so since China began opening to the outside world in 1978. At the end of 2013 nearly 1.1m Chinese were studying abroad, according to the Ministry of Education - more than three times as many as a decade earlier. China has long been the largest source of foreign students enrolled in higher education globally, with its share rising steeply. Since at least 2009 China has provided the most foreign students not just to the English-speaking countries of the developed world but also to numerous others including France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Japan and South Korea. "