Nazi 的見證者(完結篇)


歐洲的 Holocaust ,  就如亞洲日本人在南京的大屠殺事件, 這種 ethnic cleansing  "種族淨化"的慘痛歷史, 你我都該記取, 並竭力阻止歷史重蹈.     對於不公不義的事情, 我們都該有挺身而言, 展露維護正義的勇氣.  

納粹正要槍殺一母親與其懷裡的幼兒 (這張照片,我每看必哭)

於此, 我要與年輕的您, 分享一位 anti-Nazi (反納粹)的德國人Martin Niemoller 所寫下的名詩,  

First they came for the communists, 
and I didn't speak out becasue I wasn't a communist. 
(當他們最先來抓共產黨員的時候, 我保持沈默, 因為我不是共產黨員.)

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
(後來, 當他們來抓工會的人時, 我保持沈默, 因為我不是工會的成員)
(註:trade union 是英國的 "工會" , 而美國與加拿大通常會用 labor union.)

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wans't a Jew.
(其後,  他們來抓猶太人, 我保持沈默, 因為我不是猶太人.)

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak out because I was Protestant.
(當他們來抓天主教徒時, 我保持沈默, 因為我是新教派.)

Then they came for me 
and there was no one left to sepak out for me.
(當他們來抓我時, 已經沒人可為我說話了)

(註: 許多猶太人遭殘殺的歷史照片, 網路可取得.   請用 Google 搜尋關鍵字 concentration camps 或者 children concentration camps 或者 Jewish ghetto .)
(Tanya 寫於美國)
