這位教英語已有四年之久的年輕老師, 要教您可使用於機場對話的三個美國俚語.
先聽聽看, 聽了三至五遍, 而後看我給您的解釋. 讀完我以下的解說, 再聽全文幾次, 如此, 您英文聽力會進步很快的. Good Luck. (我以前就是這樣訓練留學補習班的學生)
(1)a red eye: 表示 a very late or overnight flight , 意思是深夜的班機. a red-eye flight 通常是夜班起飛, 而隔天一大早就可抵達目的地的班機. (維基百科定義: A red-eye flight is any flight departing late at night and arriving early the next morning.)
例句: We are taking the red-eye to California. It leaves at 11:00pm. (我們即將搭那夜班班機到加州. 飛機 晚上十一點起飛)
(2) layover: 表示 a stop in the middle of one's flight 轉機 或飛行旅途中的休息
例句: We have a three-hour layover in Florida on our way to Puerto Rico. (到波多黎各的途中, 我們先到佛羅里達州, 等待轉機時間三小時)
(3) wiped out: very very tired 非常疲累
例句: We flew for 5 hours and we are wiped out. We need to take a nap. (搭了五個小時的飛機後, 我們已經非常疲累. 我們需要小睡片刻)
(Tanya 寫於美國.)
(Author: Tanya Gray, Co-founder of Access Education, LLC)