美國年輕人的俚語 (part 3)


All That and a Bag of Chips  

當您聽見或看見 all that and a bag of chips 乍看或乍聽之下, 以為這表示肚子餓了要吃chips 。NO.    您錯了!    這意思是: 對某人或某東西情有獨鍾, 很喜歡感覺很對味 (但別人的看法可能不同)。覺得某人或東西 very beautiful or handsome。

All that and a bag of chips 這表示 all that and more 的意思,而且可以將 chips 換成其他的名詞。但較常聽到的還是 all that and a bag of chips。以下例句:

1. That bitch thinks she is all that and a bag of chips. (那潑婦以為她自己最了不起 ,好跩)

2. He thinks he is all that.  (他認為自己最了不起)

3. 某人說: Man, I'm all that and a bag of chips! (我真是太屌了!)
    另一人聽了不悅地說 : You may be all that and a bag of chips but I'm all that and a bag of   skittles so taste my rainbow BITCH! (註: 每包skittle糖果的顏色有許多種, 所以可集成彩虹的顏色) ( 註: 可用 bitch 罵男性,有輕侮之意,但說的人有可能會被揍得很慘)

 3. 朋友說: Yo' mann, look at my new ride!
     美國年輕人說: Hey, that's all that and a bag of chips! (帥呆了!)

(Author: Tanya Gray, Co-founder of Access Education, LLC)
